Tuesday, December 27, 2011

raiders @ chiefs 12/24/11

logan and i had the fortunate opportunity to get tickets to go see our raiders play in arrrowhead stadium. a fellow scout dad offered up the tix and of course i had to ask seeings as christmas eve is usually spent with one side or another of the fam, and logan and i would miss it if we drove down to KC. so i said to my wife i didnt expect it to work, however i would kick myself if i didnt ask.

 she then checked with the side of the fam it affected and came back and told me we had the greenlight to go. i still hadnt told logan at this point because i didnt have the tix in my hand and i didnt know if it would all work out or not so for the sake of not disappointing him, i thought it would be best to wait until i had them, wrap them up and give them to him.

so it was official and now all i had to do was get through the rest of the week before it would truly set in that i was going to see my raiders, for the first time in my life, and i get to share that experience with my oldest. how bad ass is that? so the week goes on and i am pretty much useless at work since its almost xmas and i am itching to get out and make the drive to KC.

i dont recall the exact last time i was at arrowhead but i do recall being in the nosebleed seats. for anyone who's been there knows the top of the stadium feels like its sitting you at a very uncomfortable angle towards the field which when you stand up feels like youre going to plummit to your death. we lucked out and these seats were no where near the top:

the view from our seats (sec 132, row 17)

we watched sebas take some warm up shots
Logan at his first NFL game

we werent the only ones wearing silver and black
now i will say that for the most part, chiefs fan is alright. theyre fuckin hammered, but theyre alright. we got to our seats an hour and a half before kickoff which gave us time to look around, grab some grub, drop a deuce, and let the rest of the fans get shitfaced. so i tell logan i gotta go do my dooty and i ask him if he wants to sit in his seat or come with. he opts to sit in his seat. i take him back to our seats and i proceed to the mens room. this s a long one. id say 10-15 mins. i head back to our seats and see he is not sitting there. the folks (chiefs fans) a couple seats down from us who took our pic, informed me that some guy was giving logan a hard time and that he got upset, started crying and went off to find me. i asked her to point out to me who this guy was so i could deal with him later. her husband had gone looking for logan and i went to do the same heading up the steps when low and behold here he comes down the steps tears in his eyes. he explained to me that he was worried because i was taking a monsterous shit that i hadnt come back. i explained to him to stay where he was and that sometimes daddy's a little backed up but that the storm would pass and i would be back out to see him. i asked him about the guy giving him grief and he told me the same thing the gal told me, he said to logan his raiders were going to go back to oakland loosers. i asked him again if this guy was the reason he was upset, he reitterated no, he was scared because i was gone for so long dropping a lung in the toilet.

so we sit back in our seats, i wipe the tears from his face, and then chiefs fan sits down next to me. as he sits, the cloud of beer wafts up from him much like pigpen from charlie brown. so now i know what im dealing with. a 50-some year old drunk chiefs fan. perfect. he makes amends. apologizes to me and logan and shakes our hands and wishes us good luck. then he procedes to bash the raiders, tell us how bad theyre going to loose today and then to top it all of, his excuse for his actions: "hey look at me, im the chiefs fan!" that you are drunkie, that you are. throughout the rest of the game, he's razzing us from 4 rows back. i told logan to just ignore him and not to let the guy ruin our time. at one point i hear him saying to me, "hey! hey bigman!" i simply kept my eyes in front of me and watched my raiders kick the fuck out of his chiefs. but it was difficult though, not to pummel this poor old drunk fuck to whom which i have a 20 year (give or take) age advantage not to mention probably 150lbs weight advantage. but he had the advantages that counted: 70K+ fans on his side and i actually cared if i got thrown out of the stadium for fighting.

the other chiefs fans gave us shit, just as i had warned logan they would but were respectful about it. it was typical hazing, the things that dont bother you. until late in the game, our raiders had made a good play and i jumped and yelled in excitement as did the other silver and black fans around us. the drunk girl chiefs fan next to me elbowed me in the stomach and then proceeded to apologize over and over and over. i told her it was no big deal, not to worry about it. she said it was just a reaction, she was rooting for her team. i told her no worries. perhaps i am too nice. but one thing is for sure, it would take a lot to charge me as the asshole raiders fan.

its not something you get to do everyday, and im just thankful for my first time seeing the raiders, i got to spend it with my son. i am also thankful they won. but even if they hadnt, it would still have been awesome simply getting to see them play. but seriously though, fuck all you fans around us that were giving us shit. and to the douchebags booing us in the parking lot, go fuck yourselves. 

and as for if logan had fun or not, i would say this game winning field goal in OT sums it up nicely


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

gay bashing two loose bitches from vancouver

eric sent me a link to a story that hits close to home for me - the topic: the sedin faggoty twin gape bros.
dave bolland (center for the blackhawks) talks some shit about the gay duo and when asked if he hated all of the Canucks or just a lot of them bolland responded: "i hate all of them."

he also says "i think they might sleep in like bunk beds....the older one has the bottom and the younger one has the top."

thatta boy bolland - fuck them bitches up - i wanna see either one or both of them pickin their fuckin teef off the ice the next time yous guys play em. fuck em. fuck em up their stupid asses.

i listened to the whole interview on WGN radio - good shit! the interview is also with corey crawford (hawks goalie).

in an unrelated topic, you can see the kaner shuffle on you tube.

and just because i love byfuglien check this one out too

Thursday, December 1, 2011

santa is fuckin bad ass

so logan has gotten into swords because a certain uncle has some hanging from his walls and he thinks they're pretty awesome. which they are. and he has been asking for one for xmas. however i had not gone looking for anything like this so a trip to a few stores proved to be a let down. there are some out there. and some are bad ass....LOOKING but not in construction. they have loose handles and wobble when you wave them at the store clerk.

you have to keep in mind, he's 10 and while hanging them from the wall on display is a good idea, what he really wants to do is hack some fuckin shit up. i mean if there were a stray dog or cat or bunny runnin the neighborhood, i could see him goin after the poor bastard like a scene from LOTR (thats lord of the rings for those of you who arent in the know) i wasnt....dont feel bad.

so the point is, this thing must first and foremost be of superior construction. he is gonna swing it around in his room and probably break some shit and potentially hurt himself. i dont want this thing breaking damnit!

so where was i. oh yea, santa is the shiz-nit - and also hella fuckin violent. ladies and gents, i present to you, santas xmas gift to logan this year:

it comes (as you can see) with the wall mount and i played with this thing in the store....its not gonna break anytime soon. now maybe when he gets to highschool and the wrong motherfucker screws with him and he bludgens some poor fuck to death - then, maybe then it will take some abuse. but until then i see it holding up for a while.

santa is fuckin cool - i mean, battle weapons! sharp ones at that! c'mon i got the shaft. hah shaft. i can remember as a kid watchin peter pan and then wanting to make some kinda dagger like he had and all i could come up with was some shitty cardboard thing. now kids get the real deal.

im jealous, i'll be honest. there was a full size sword in the store i wanted to get for myself but my fuckin wife talked me outta it. some bs about me not needing a sword and we should spend $130 on the kids.....i am a kid bitch! lemme have a goddamned sword! do i really need to make one of those windows 7 slideshow commercials outta this shit?

"reasons why nick needs this fuckin sword"

slide one: protection from intruders
slide two: for cuttin the shit outta the plants around the yard - aka pruning
slide three: stabbing shit just cause it fuckin rules with a heavy handled sword in your hand
slide four: because you love me
slide five: cause im probably gonna go buy that shit later tonight anyway
slide six: maybe ill get more than one and me and the guys can have real sword fights and not that gay shit we usually do
slide seven: guys with swords are sexy
slide eight: how the fuck are we gonna defend ourselves against logan when he's weilding the santa clause devil axe??
slide nine: stabbing shit, cause really, you should fuckin try it
slide ten: i already bought it, sorry i couldnt wait for an answer

santa isnt the only one who gets to have fun this year